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Oasi Festival 2023

Oasi Festival 2023

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OASI Festival | 2, 3, 4 June 2023 | Roero Forest Park, Piedmont, Italy

OASI Festival is From Head To Toe.
OASI Festival is 3 days of long dj-sets by many Selectors
OASI Festival in the Roero Park, an Italian and world heritage site, is a sensory experience immersed in the most authentic and wild nature. Through music and art it proposes new ways of being a community. New ways of living. Living in celebration.

Acquista online l'Abbonamento 1st release - Disponibilità limitata - €119+ddp+comm.serv.

Prenota online o allo 06-0406 (anche Whatsapp) e paga in contanti nei 45.000 Punti Mooney (bar, tabaccherie, edicole), oppure acquista online con carta di credito e prepagata.